

#NO #一酸化窒素ガス





exhalation at constant flow rates from 10.1000 mL/s

. Two kits are :
Vital Capacity Kit for collection of exhaled breath at 350 mL/s (ATS recommendation)
the Deadspace Discard Kit that permits collection of exhaled breath
under the same conditions as on-line measurements.

Low cost maintenance for analyser Select

 User defined flow rates for specific research investigations

 Biofeedback mechanism for reproducible breath flow rates

 Breath by breath analysis with fast response time 

Off-line breath analysis performed remotely with reusable bags

 Off-line breath sample stable for up to 12 hours after collection 

High sensitivity <1ppb 

Fast response time - 200ms 

Data collection with menu based PC or MAC software
with statistical results output with export facility for further analysis

 Low cost maintenance for analyser


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#先天性心疾患ソフトウエア #Pedcath8

PCの機能が向上し、#Descrete_Wavelet 手法が、お求めやすい低価格で

#臨床用 #薬事認可済

#P波自動検出と #心房細動自動解析手法
#T_Wave_Alternans 解析手法を開発し、当社ホルターに搭載。

#VectorCardiology, #Heart_Rate_Variability , #TWA_オルタナンス

Theory of the P wave detection

The algorithm first finds the  the possible positive and negative wave peaks
based on zero transition searching, then validates them with comparing
to reference P waves.

The P wave detection needs high amplitude resolution. This value is better,
than 0.6 uV / bit in the Cardiospy system.  With this resolution and
the effective filter system which uses wavelet transformation,
the Cardiospy system is able to detect P waves less than 50 uV of amplitude.


Validation of the P wave detector

The validation is carried out on 10 pcs 12 channel and 10 pcs 3 channel ECG
reference records. The reference records include the P wave  annotation.  12
of the 20 records are taken from the MitBih database, 8 records are
taken from the Labtech database (30000 ? 30007). 

12 ch records

s0014lre, s0292lre, s0302lre, s0331lre, s0364lre, s0422_re, s0431_re,
s0437_re, s0549_re, s0550_re

3 ch records

mgh001, mgh007, 30000, 30001, 30002, 30003, 30004, 30005, 30006, 30007


Validation result:

Sensitivity:                       95.42%

Positive predictivity:         97.16%

#Caretaker Medical社ー #2017年FDA認可ー #2024年世界麻酔学会観血血圧検証
#VitalStream_type1_type2_type3 世界最先端ディジタル搭載
#世界初 #非観血式 #連続観血血圧解析 #連続血行動態20種類解析



#BMC_Anesthesiol. #2017; 17: 48.

Published online 2017 Mar 21. doi: 10.1186/s12871-017-0337-z

PMCID: PMC5361833

PMID: 28327093

#Continuous_Non-invasive_finger_cuff_CareTakerR comparable to #invasive_intra-arterial_pressure in patients undergoing major intra-abdominal surgery

Irwin Gratz,1 Edward Deal,1 Francis Spitz,1 Martin Baruch,2 I. Elaine Allen,3 Julia E. Seaman,4 Erin Pukenas,1 and Smith Jean1

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.


Associated Data

Data Availability Statement

The datasets generated during and analysed for the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.




Despite increased interest in non-invasive arterial pressure monitoring, the majority of commercially available technologies have failed to satisfy the limits established for the validation of automatic arterial pressure monitoring by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). According to the ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060?2:2013 standards, the group-average accuracy and precision are defined as acceptable if bias is not greater than 5 mmHg and standard deviation is not greater than 8 mmHg. In this study, these standards are used to evaluate the CareTakerR (CT) device, a device measuring continuous non-invasive blood pressure via a pulse contour algorithm called Pulse Decomposition Analysis.


A convenience sample of 24 patients scheduled for major abdominal surgery were consented to participate in this IRB approved pilot study. Each patient was monitored with a radial arterial catheter and CT using a finger cuff applied to the contralateral thumb. Hemodynamic variables were measured and analyzed from both devices for the first thirty minutes of the surgical procedure including the induction of anesthesia. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), systolic and diastolic blood pressures continuously collected from the arterial catheter and CT were compared. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between arterial catheter and CT blood pressure measurements, a Bland-Altman analysis, and polar and 4Q plots were created.


The correlation of systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures were 0.92, 0.86, 0.91, respectively (p?<?0.0001 for all the comparisons). The Bland-Altman comparison yielded a bias (as measured by overall mean difference) of ?0.57, ?2.52, 1.01 mmHg for systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures, respectively with a standard deviation of 7.34, 6.47, 5.33 mmHg for systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures, respectively (p?<?0.001 for all comparisons). The polar plot indicates little bias between the two methods (90%/95% CI at 31.5°/52°, respectively, overall bias?=?1.5°) with only a small percentage of points outside these lines. The 4Q plot indicates good concordance and no bias between the methods.


In this study, blood pressure measured using the non-invasive CT device was shown to correlate well with the arterial catheter measurements. Larger studies are needed to confirm these results in more varied settings. Most patients exhibited very good agreement between methods. Results were well within the limits established for the validation of automatic arterial pressure monitoring by the AAMI.

Keywords: Non-Invasive, CareTaker, Central blood pressure, Finger cuff, Intra-Arterial pressure

#Tensiomed 社 #Arteriograph 24 #血管脈波検査装置
ドイツ最大の製薬会社は世界の市場で #2015年から指定機器に


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#南魚沼市民病院ーCDC #メディカルテクニカ掲示板 #メディカルテクニカ掲示板 #輸入代行
#Angioscopy #Radiofrequency #先生のホームページ掲載
リンク リンク 関係先 ナノテク材料
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リハビリ画像解析 神経信号伝達 高度自律神経解析 電気刺激
糖尿病診断 脊髄機能補完 コスモス製リハ用具 超音波血流計
水中浮遊着衣センサ付き 国産ホルタ電極 自律神経解析ソフト 自律神経解析ソフト
エネルギー代謝 めまい治療 筋電刺激 脳刺激マッピング
お問い合わせ先 #メディカルテクニカ有限会社
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アルテリオグラフの中心血圧測定 オーグメンテイション フレイルティメータ 中心血検証をお願いします
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#先天性心疾患ソフト Pedcath7 #Pedcath8 川崎病
Pedcath概要 Pedcathの本 Pedcathの仲間 Pedcath選定理由書
Pedcath参考画像 Pedcath品目 Pedcathマルティユーザ Pedcath拡張機能
佐野シャント ペドカスコンパニオン タブレット補助Pedcath
ラブテック社心臓リハビリ メタボリックテスト ラブテック社ワイヤレス12誘導心電計 ラブテック社12誘導心電計
ラブテック12誘導心電計 心電図解析 ラブテック社モバイル心電計 検診用心電計
#ラブテックネット心電図 シムレータ
心臓リハビリ12誘導心電計 タブレットの12誘導心電図での利用例
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